A Floating Micro Hotel Any body of water 600 SF Water bodies have been an integral part of buildings, cities and human activity from the beginning of time. Water bodies and their characteristics have provided a rich canvas for the built environment. The Floating Hotel is a symbol of architectural intervention into the context of water. This floating room is a symbol of an orthogonal and rational construct juxtaposed against the constantly fluid medium which is a body of water. The Floating room is based on a modular design which can be transported, assembled and disassembled to be reassembled per the users needs. Made of aluminum flotation pontoons and a steel structure, the floating room is made to withstand the long term rigors of the ocean water onto its components. The architectural volume has a size of 25 sq m and its height is exactly 5 m. It sits on a base platform of 30 sq m with a sleeping room accommodating 2 people with a restroom/wellness area. Additionally, the room has an outside dock to read and sun bathe with a roped off private soaking pool area derived from the body of water that it sits in. The facade elevations are crafted with a two layer system. The inner layer is made of glass while the outer layer is made of a stainless steel mesh which provides shade and protection to the interior. The roof structure also has a multipurpose deck which also has a foldable array of solar panels. The area for the solar panels are enough to run a 5KW photo voltaic system which in turn charges an internal battery. This project was designed while at Contin Architecture and Design. www.constinstudio.com