Innovation Center / Shared Workspace FAT Village, FL 70,000 SF - Infinite Expansion (digitally and physically) A WORKPLACE WHERE PROGRAM, CIRCULATION, AND EXPERIENCES ARE EMERGENT. According to Greek mythology, human beings were the only living matter that was never granted a gift from the gods. For example, a cheetah was gifted with speed and agility. A giraffe was gifted with the ability to seek food at high elevations. Chameleon, able to manipulate pigmentation in order to become invisible to predators. Relative to other species, humans are slow, weak, and fragile. The gods could not leave the human empty-handed, hence the gift of a tool. This tool defines us as a race. With that first tool, we created another, then another, then another. Today, we rule planet Earth because of the plethora of tools that enhance our survival. Tools to be faster, quicker, stronger, better, faster, which is why we have evolved exponentially. Learning from the evolution of technology, we have been able to store, transfer, and process data at incredible efficiency and speed based on the idea of linking data together. Because the World Wide Web is interconnected with a matrix of data, we are allowed to view any information that passes through this. Today, I define our world into 3 different categories. Earth – species – technology How is there a way to link these three together in order to solve our issues of innovation + sustainability? FAT Village Innovation Center will be the first experimentation of a living system that coexists humans technology and the environment. One system will not be able to function without the other. Harvesting the environment and human energy in order to fuel the building which will then, in turn, redistribute energy back into the environment. The architecture will inform its neighbors about its performance by mapping energy values on to a façade, making it a primary focus of being sustainable. Typically, in traditional office building typologies, various businesses are separated. Taking the idea of an incubation space and applying it throughout the entire building, will give a person freedom to roam throughout to find his/her most productive space, whether it be open and loud, closed and private, or anything in between. Businesses will be able to link their employees together through technology, always being able to be updated on work. The benefit of this is allowing employees to roam and integrate with other employees from different fields to cross-pollinate information, the technology is used to virtually connect them to one another. Once doors are open, people are able to assemble themselves wherever they feel most comfortable, and at the end of that day period, the building resets, creating a dynamic special layout. The entire space shall be visually and spatially connected. The Porosity model allows for many positive and negative spaces that can allow for this system. Like a sponge, It allows for an element that contains and transfers other elements, colliding people architecture and nature.